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Monday, January 18, 2010
Invitation to the 2010 Multicultural Real Estate & Policy Conference
Join the nation's three largest minority real estate trade associations and hear first-hand perspectives on policies that will create sustainable housing opportunities.
Grow your business by meeting top leaders dedicated to the multicultural housing market.
Sessions include:
*REO Market
*Short Sales
*Doing Business with the Federal Government
Limited number of hotel rooms reserved, register today!
AREAA, NAHREP and NAREB are non-profit professional trade organizations dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in underserved communities. Visit the organizations online at, and
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Latinos Still Passionate about Homeownership
RISMEDIA, October 27, 2009—Fifty-four percent of Latinos that participated in a phone survey conducted on behalf of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), expressed a strong interest in homeownership and plan to buy a home in the next five years.
The poll was conducted among Latino renters living in the foreclosure-ravaged markets of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and Phoenix and coincides with a national survey of Hispanic real estate professionals announced during its annual member convention in Las Vegas. The survey findings reinforce what many of the 16,000-member Hispanic trade group’s members report – a strong consumer interest that could further fortify the first-time homebuyer market.
“Despite the losses that many families suffered in the mortgage crisis, there remains high interest in homeownership among those families that stayed on the sidelines and didn’t buy during the boom,” says Tino Diaz, chairman of NAHREP. “Our members report that the appeal of stability and personal freedoms that come with homeownership are top motivators.”
A survey of 500 NAHREP members including opinions from real estate agents and mortgage professionals revealed the following:
-Seventy-six percent of respondents said that stability of family ranked first or second as the primary reason why clients want to buy a home. Thirty percent said utility and the freedom to create a home that suited their personal or cultural style was the top one and two reasons why their clients want to purchase a home;
-Only 18% of practitioners polled viewed financial investment as the primary reason for buying a home;
-Fifty percent of members that answered the poll said that wasting money on rent ranked first or second as the primary motivation for their clients to become homeowners;
-Forty-nine percent of members said that tighter lending standards remain the biggest barrier to homeownership for their clients; while 44% ranked first or second the competition from cash investors as the main obstacle to homeownership of their buyers. Thirty percent of respondents ranked lack of down payment as one of the top two challenges for their buyers.
-Sixty-three percent of members polled say they have six or more mortgage-ready clients that are ready to buy a home;
-Fifty-one percent of those surveyed said that today’s buyers are more sensitive to purchase price and mortgage payment, more apt to want house payments that include taxes and insurance and prefer a 30-year fixed-rate loan;
-Sixty-five percent of Hispanic real estate professionals that participated in the poll said that some form of consumer education would be most useful to enabling Latinos to achieve homeownership
Nearly half of the nation’s 14 million Hispanic households currently rent. If half of the renter pool follows through and is able to achieve homeownership during the next five years as they plan, the nation’s fastest growing minority group could be the next big wave of first-time buyers. Based on the median home price of $174,900, this could create more than $600 billion in home sales over the next five years, the Hispanic trade association estimates.
“An infusion of new homeowners that want to stay put and build nests for their families is exactly what the housing market needs,” said Craig Nickerson, project director for the National Community Stabilization Trust, an organization that assists local communities to acquire, rehab and sell foreclosures back to homeowners. “Once the pendulum swings back to the middle, a whole new group of buyers will be ready to buy homes. This is promising news especially for foreclosure-ravaged communities.”
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The poll was conducted among Latino renters living in the foreclosure-ravaged markets of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and Phoenix and coincides with a national survey of Hispanic real estate professionals announced during its annual member convention in Las Vegas. The survey findings reinforce what many of the 16,000-member Hispanic trade group’s members report – a strong consumer interest that could further fortify the first-time homebuyer market.
“Despite the losses that many families suffered in the mortgage crisis, there remains high interest in homeownership among those families that stayed on the sidelines and didn’t buy during the boom,” says Tino Diaz, chairman of NAHREP. “Our members report that the appeal of stability and personal freedoms that come with homeownership are top motivators.”
A survey of 500 NAHREP members including opinions from real estate agents and mortgage professionals revealed the following:
-Seventy-six percent of respondents said that stability of family ranked first or second as the primary reason why clients want to buy a home. Thirty percent said utility and the freedom to create a home that suited their personal or cultural style was the top one and two reasons why their clients want to purchase a home;
-Only 18% of practitioners polled viewed financial investment as the primary reason for buying a home;
-Fifty percent of members that answered the poll said that wasting money on rent ranked first or second as the primary motivation for their clients to become homeowners;
-Forty-nine percent of members said that tighter lending standards remain the biggest barrier to homeownership for their clients; while 44% ranked first or second the competition from cash investors as the main obstacle to homeownership of their buyers. Thirty percent of respondents ranked lack of down payment as one of the top two challenges for their buyers.
-Sixty-three percent of members polled say they have six or more mortgage-ready clients that are ready to buy a home;
-Fifty-one percent of those surveyed said that today’s buyers are more sensitive to purchase price and mortgage payment, more apt to want house payments that include taxes and insurance and prefer a 30-year fixed-rate loan;
-Sixty-five percent of Hispanic real estate professionals that participated in the poll said that some form of consumer education would be most useful to enabling Latinos to achieve homeownership
Nearly half of the nation’s 14 million Hispanic households currently rent. If half of the renter pool follows through and is able to achieve homeownership during the next five years as they plan, the nation’s fastest growing minority group could be the next big wave of first-time buyers. Based on the median home price of $174,900, this could create more than $600 billion in home sales over the next five years, the Hispanic trade association estimates.
“An infusion of new homeowners that want to stay put and build nests for their families is exactly what the housing market needs,” said Craig Nickerson, project director for the National Community Stabilization Trust, an organization that assists local communities to acquire, rehab and sell foreclosures back to homeowners. “Once the pendulum swings back to the middle, a whole new group of buyers will be ready to buy homes. This is promising news especially for foreclosure-ravaged communities.”
For more information, visit
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Monday, January 11, 2010
What to ASK when meeting with your potential lender
The following are some good questions to discuss with your lender when applying for a home loan. If you go into the interview with your lender with the aptitude that you are hiring a services rather that the loan officer is doing you a favor, you might be able to get the best deal for your mortgage.
1.Are both fixed-rate and adjustable mortgage loans available?
2.What is the interest rate?
3.How long can I "lock-in" the financing at the current interest rate?
4.Is a float down lock available in case rates drop after I have locked in?
5.What are the other fees a lender may charge me in conjunction with my loan?
6.Are funds for a second mortgage available?
7.On adjustable loans, how often will the interest rate be adjusted?
8.Is there a maximum limit on each rate change?
9.How often will the monthly payment be adjusted?
10.Is there a ceiling on payment adjustments?
11.Can the term of the loan be extended?
12.What is the maximum rate that can be charged over the life of the loan?
13.Is there any potential for negative amortization?
14.Is there a pre-payment penalty clause? This involves extra charges for paying off the loan before maturity. About 80% of all loans in the United States are paid off early.
15.What is the "grace" period?
16.How late can a monthly payment be made before a late charge is assessed?
17.What will happen if a payment is missed?
18.If you sell your house, will the new buyer (if he/she qualifies) be able to assume your mortgage at the same interest rate?
19.Do you have to pay "points" to get your new mortgage?
20.Usually lenders charge points for the cost of giving you a mortgage loan. A "point" is 1% of the loan.
21.Will the lender require mortgage insurance?
22.Is the loan serviced locally or is the servicing sold? Ask for a written "good faith deposit".
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Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Como Se Determina El Valor De Tu Casa
Saber el valor de tu casa nunca ha sido más fácil. Ahora con la ayuda de los expertos en bienes raíces certificados por te podemos ofrecer un servicio personalizado y lo que es mejor aun, gratis. Si deseas vender tu casa, piensas refinanciar o simplemente estas curioseando el valor de mercado contáctanos hoy para un servicio sin compromiso.
¿Qué es el reporte de mercado CMA?
El CMA no es más que un reporte donde se compara tu propiedad con otras propiedades similares que estén en la misma área. El reporte se puede comparar con el que hacen los tasadores profesionales y que cuestan cientos de dólares.
¿Cómo funciona?
¡Muy fácil! Al recibir tus datos con tu pedido le encargamos a nuestro agente certificado en tu área que visite tu casa, tome los datos referentes a esta y después de corroborar toda la información con una base de datos para agentes te entregue el reporte (todo el proceso puede durar solo un par de días).
¿Por qué este servicio es gratis?
Este servicio lo ofrecemos gratis a la comunidad Latina como parte de nuestro compromiso para mejorar la experiencia de compra-venta.
Si estas interesado en resibir este servicio sin costo alguno, Haz Un Click Aqui!
Monday, January 04, 2010
Como Prepararce Para El Cierre De Tu Casa
Por Bill Arce: La compra de su casa es solamente el comienzo de un largo camino que le asegurar la construcción de su patrimonio familiar. Una vez realizado el cierre se habré ante usted una vida nueva y llena de responsabilidades. Aquí les dejo algunos consejos para que tengan una mejor idea y se preparen.
Realizando la mudada
10 Semanas antes del gran día
1.Contacte a tres compañías de mudanza para un estimado gratis.
2.Realice un plano de la casa nueva y determine donde va cada cosa.
3.Contacte a un Realtor de la ciudad para recibir información sobre el área.
8 Semanas antes del gran día
1.Haga un inventario detallado sobre sus pertenencias. Decida que quiere mudar, vender o simplemente donarlo a una entidad caritativa.
2.Llene el formulario correspondiente para el cambio de dirección, envíelo a las entidades que crea pertinentes.
3.Pida el historial médico, dentista, legal, contabilidad y veterinaria de toda su familia y mascotas, guárdelos en un lugar que pueda recordar con facilidad.
4.Realice los trámites pertinentes para enviar los record de una escuela a otra.
5.Pregúntele a su consejero de impuestos sobre posibles deducciones de impuestos y como afectará la mudanza con sus impuestos.
6.Haga una lista de posibles costos que deberá enfrentar en la mudanza.
6 Semanas antes del gran día
1.Prepare una venta en la yarda (garage sale) para que se deshaga de lo que no quiere o necesita en la nueva casa.
2.Si usted decidió contratar a una compañía profesional de mudanzas y ellos harán el empaquetamiento, haga una cita con antelación (1 o 2 días antes de la mudada)
3.Si usted piensa realizar el empaquetamiento, compre las caja adecuada, los materiales para empacar como tapes y plástico protectores de cristal, etc. Si piensa que necesitará un almacén para guardar objetos antes o después de la mudada, haga los arreglos con una compañía de (storage) unas semanas antes del día de la mudada.
4.¿Tienes mascotas? Si la respuesta es sí, haga arreglos con antelación, tenga a mano el record medico, las vacunas de inmunización, etc.
5 Semanas antes del gran días
1.Asegurase de que cuenta con suficiente material para empacar y tiene los equipos necesarios para la mudada.
2.Empiece por empacar las cosas que no necesitara inmediatamente o que piense guardar en un almacén.
3.Contacte a las compañías de utilidades e infórmele sobre cuando desea interrumpir los servicios en la vivienda vieja y para cuando piensa que necesitara los servicios activos en su nueva casa.
4.Confirme todos los arreglos para el viaje de su familia y mascotas.
3 Semanas antes del gran día
1.Prepare el auto (s) para el viaje. Haga el chequeo pertinente (si lo necesita) antes de mudarse. Si tiene servicios de periódicos, revistas o servicios dirigidos a su vivienda vieja, termínelos o haga los arreglos para que se lo envíen a la vivienda nueva. Confirme que todo está en orden con su cuanta bancaria.
2. Si compro objetos nuevos como muebles, cocinas de gas/electricidad o refrigeradores para la casa nueva, confirme el día que piensa recibirlos con las compañías.
2 Semanas para el gran día
1.Ya es hora de empacar las cosas que necesitará inmediatamente en su vivienda nueva. Tómese unos días libres para recoger, pintar y dejar lista la casa vieja.
1 Semana para el gran día
1.Recoja los papeles importantes y colóquelos en una caja fácil de recordar, si tienes una caja de seguridad con objetos valiosos envíelos como cargamento protegido a su nueva casa.
2.Déjele saber a los vecinos, amigos y familiares la dirección nueva y como contactarlo en caso de necesidad.
3.Si usted tiene un bebe, planee su mudanza para que le sea más fácil y agradable.
4.Notifique a sus amigos el día de la mudanza para que le ayuden a cargar el camión.
El gran día
1.Deje limpios y desconectados los equipos eléctricos en la cocina. Regale la comida congelada que no necesitará.
2.Prepare para ese día una comida sencilla y asegúrese de tener una hielera con agua y abundante bebida para todo el día.
3.Tenga dinero en efectivo para el viaje y un cheque del banco para pagar a la compañía de mudanza en caso de utilizarla.
4.Empaque las cosas más cercana a usted y que necesitara en cualquier momento.
5.Cuidadosamente marque las cajas para saber cual debe de desempacar primero y cual no.
6.Si utiliza una compañía de mudanza asegúrese que le dé al chofer su número de teléfono y dirección en caso de emergencias.
7.Antes de “despedirse” de su casa de un pequeño recorrido para asegurarse de que no se queda nada olvidado
Durante el Cierre
En el cierre asegúrese de que si debe traer algún dinero para pagar o un servicio, este de ser en forma de un cheque certificado por su banco, téngalo listo antes del cierre. SI no sabe la cantidad total que debe traer, en la oficina del titulo encargada de su caso o su abogado de bienes raíces se la podrán facilitar.
Sepa lo que vas a firmar antes de hacerlo, si tiene dudas pregúntele al representante de titulo o a su abogados hasta que este pueda aclarar las, recuerde que bajo ningún concepto usted debería firmar algo que no entiende. Pídale, a su agente que le ayude con la traducción y explicación de los documentos a firmar.
Después de firmar todos los papeles legales requeridos por su banco, preste mucha atención a las instrucciones de la persona que lo esta asistiendo, especialmente cuando este le haga referencia a su primer pago. Por lo general las instituciones bancaria le envia el primer pago por correo, pero si por alguna razón este falla o se retrasa usted sigue siendo responsable de enviar el dinero completo antes del día 15 de cada mes. Adjunto a su paquete de cierre usted contara con una copia de lo que representa su primer pago para que lo envié al banco sin importar si el pagare original es recibido o no.
Después del Cierre
Una vez terminado el cierre tenga presente que guardar todo sus papeles en un lugar seguro, lejos del fuego o agua. Haga copias de los papeles más importantes y manténgalos en casa para cualquier legalidad que tenga que resolver. Asegúrese de que mantendrá la información de contacto de todos los que le han ayudado para referencia futura.
Mantenga el crédito limpio, esto le dará la posibilidad de refinanciar su casa o extraer valor liquido en caso de necesitarlos. Haga un presupuesto y mantenga por lo menos 6 meses de ahorros guardados en caso de una emergencia.
Mantenga la casa en buen estado y realice reparaciones periódicas para evitar daños mayores y de esta forma logre adquirir más valor líquido. Mantenga el seguro contra fuego y huracanes en todo momento. Recuerde es mejor evitar que tener que lamentar.
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