Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Future of Latino Homeownership

Alejandra Medina, a CHCI's HOGAR fellow class of 2007-2009 just published a paper on the institute website named "The Future of Latino Homeownership." The paper makes reference how Latinos are facing the current economy and how the housing crisis had become another challenging barrier to Latino homeownership.

Miss. Medina also proposed in her paper a response to the crisis including not just real estate professionals. The fellow goes further and recommends Latinos leaders in the housing community to facilitate communication between their organizations and the real estate industry to discuss how counseling can help future homebuyers can help obtain and long maintain their homes, among other recommendations.

The HOGAR fellow, who will graduate from the institute this year, also reports on the necessity to prevent the crisis, so it won't happen again. She highlights, that now more than ever the Latino consumers must have access to a better-trained and trusted real estate advisor.

This recommendation comes along with NAHREP code of Honor "En Confianza" that calls to reinstate the trust lost after the real estate debacle. In general, the report is very easy to read and offer a god inside of what is happening in our community today; I encourage you to read it.
If you would like to read a copy of this report, please visit

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